Monday, July 31, 2006

United We Should Stand...

Now, that I started this blog, I got more curious to see other Lebanese blogs and how they are living this conflict. I was very impressed with the quality of many of them. I did not agree necessarily with their entire content, but I learned a lot.

This surfing made me even more convinced that there is some positive outcome from all this nightmare. First, these are times where people get their information right. They try to learn more about some of their "givens" and question their beliefs. This is always good. It goes for those that have put blindly their faith in the resistance but also for those that considered that the resistance had kidnapped the entire country in the name of three lebanese prisoners.
Second, it is very likely that this bloody inhuman aggression will drive a solution to the entire conflict between Lebanon and Israel.

It is healthy that we don't agree about one specific political explanation, however recognizing today how crucial it is to be united facing the Israeli danger and plot is the exact translation of wise patriotism and the real test of attachment to our country; our only hope to secure a stable future and build a real nation. The many blogs that I read expressed in a way or the other these views. Bravo!

Today, Israel is under pressure, internally (59% of Haaretz readers are asking for an immediate cease fire) and externally (even Condi asked for a cease fire before being overwritten by her boss). Israel is now thinking about the exit plan (does that remind you of another conflict in the ME?) . This exit plan wants to rely on a major success on the battlefield (i.e. breaking/weakening the resistance) .

If Israel's success is large, they will not give up maybe the Shebaa farms (or not entirely), try to keep some land, a prisoner, a symbol, as they did in 2000, to comfort their arrogance. This is bad for Lebanon, these are seeds for internal conflicts. The worse scenario. Israel then will watch us fighting (again). A fight between those that will not accept that one inch is lost to the zionists and those that care about ROI, those that talk with their heart (sometimes faith) and those that are eloquent in the money language. Iraqi shism, our own unsettled problems will be the catalysts of an ugly conflict. We would certainly be back then to "case depart" to thirty years ago...

If the resistance is not broken if no major defeat is inflicted to Lebanon, we will be able obviously to negotiate an honorable solution, which basically means getting back all our rights and preparing for a real stable future (which by the way is in Israel's benefit if reasoned with humbleness).

This leads clearly that being united behind the resistance is our best bet our only hope to live in peace. Even if the resistance is defeated, having been united will certainly minimize from its effects and will give us all the credibility needed to decide the after war steps; continuing the resistance and with which means... Those that hope for a weakening of the resistance are being emotionally driven (either are scared of another win of the islamic resistance or being so upset of the economical/humanitarian disaster that we got into) and are not considering the consequences of such defeat. They forgot that the resistance was initially created as a result of Israel's aggression in 1982 and most probably if this resistance is broken, another one, maybe more extreme will soon see the light.

The only way to break this cycle of violence is to be united. The most honorable and rewarding position...

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